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Jun 15, 2014

Field Day!
Field Day was so much fun! The kids did a great job being good sports, working together, and learning a ton of new games. Thank you to everyone who came out to help and make that possible!!!

Readers Workshop and Writers Workshop
Students finished readers and writers workshop by reading their favorite comics! Students have had so much fun with this unit creating and imagining their own characters adventures. Have your child read their favorite comic to you at home!

We wrapped up our continent study by watching a video about the researchers and explorers in the South Pole. Ask your child the most interesting thing they learned about Antarctica!

Fruit Unit
All K/1 classrooms are ending the year with a fruit unit. We each chose a fruit in season to study and learn about, our class learned about blueberries! We made several recipes, including blueberry milkshakes with Mr. Castiglia. Next Wed will be having a mini farmers market to share our treats with the other classes. Look for those fun recipes to come home soon.

I will be sending home a homework folder this week! This folder is meant to be worked on over the summer. Over the summer students reading levels can drop and all their hard work can be forgotten if students don’t practice! The homework folder contains a lot of activities to work on reading, writing, math, etc. If your child works on a little everyday or every other day they will come back to school in the fall ready to go! If your child turns in the reading log they will receive a FREE DRESS PASS and PENCIL! If your child turns in the whole summer workbook, they will get any BOOK of their choice!! Please use this homework folder as an opportunity for your child to continue to grow and learn over the summer.

Our caterpillar turned in a moth!!

Reminders Music concert for Monday morning assembly and Friday is a small awards assembly announcing Seymour Kaplan award * with SECRET performance by some 5th grade students and teachers.

Please return you library books and homework books!!!!!!

The end of year picnic is on Tuesday. Please help sign up to bring something, and we need lots of extra help that day running activities!

I sent home a flyer for summer birthday celebrations, please let me know if that time or day doesn’t work.

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