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Jun 8, 2014

Tide Pools Fieldtrip!
Our annual tide pool field trip was so much fun! Thank you to those who chaperoned and braved the slippery rocks and the cold water! We really appreciate it and hope you had fun as well. We saw lots of different kinds of sea life! Ask your student about this!

Readers Workshop and Writers Workshop
This week in readers and writers, we began our new unit: Comic books! Students spent time exploring comic books as a way to write fiction stories using detailed pictures and character dialogue. For writers students spent time making a story map, which is a quick snap shot of their comic book story and they included key story elements such as character, setting and adventure. A fun and exciting activity would be to grab a newspaper and look through the comics section and ask your student what features they notice. Next week, we are going to write our first draft of our comic books and work towards finalizing it and publishing it at the end of the week.

We have started our last continent study for the year! We wrapped up Australia by making Fairy Bread with Ms. Ooton! Fairy bread is white bread with butter and sprinkles (it’s actually really good...), and they each had a little piece for snack. We started our Antarctica unit by looking at all the interesting animals that live there and watched a video about how researchers explore the continent and its animals to know more about the global climate.

Ms. Ooton's Corner
For the last few days of school Mrs. Castiglia and I have been planning a 10 day countdown but shhhh... its a secret for the kids! We'll be doing something fun to celebrate all of the work students have done this year - from a special sidewalk chalk writing day to a picnic with our 4th and 5th grade buddies. One of the activities I am most excited for is the time capsule we will be making on the 2nd to last day of school. Students will be encouraged to draw or write something about themselves as a Kindergartner/1st grader or bring something that will remind them of this past year they've had in school. We will first share what we are putting in the time capsule as a whole class before we lock it away for the future. Encourage your student to reflect on their year and think about something they might want to bring in!

Star Student!
Thank you so much to all our parent volunteers who have helped out in the classroom, at school events, brought in snacks/supplies, attended field trips, run after school programs, and helped with prepping materials. We appreciate all that you do for our class and our school. I know I speak for all the teachers at Leschi, THANK YOU!!!!! Please join us on Monday for a special appreciation lunch from 1:00-2:00 and then a volunteer appreciation assembly from 2:00-2:30.

As the year is wrapping up please take a look at the calendar for upcoming dates such as Field day, music assembly, end-of-year picnic, etc. We will be celebrating summer birthday’s the last week of school. I will send home a notice about the information next week.

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