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Jan 18, 2015

Welcome Back!!!
WOW, what an amazing welcome back I have received this week! Coming back to cheering, clapping, hugs, cards, and treats has made this transition so much easier! Thank you to all the families and especially the kids who have welcomed me back. We have had an amazing week in work time learning new works, making new work plans and challenging ourselves. Some goals this week that the students have been focusing on our: Working independently and taking care of the environment! I know each week the students will only continue to grow. “Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.”
Maria Montessori

Readers Workshop
This Week in Readers Workshop Students have been learning about the differences between fiction and non-fiction books. We have also been working on building up our reading stamina to read for 20 min. We are up to 15 far!!! Ask your child some differences between fiction and non-fiction?

Writers Workshop
As we are learning about non-fiction we have been noticing a lot of How-To books. Students will be working on writing their own how-to book. This week we have brainstormed all the things we are good at and starting making plans for which how-to’s we are going to write. Ask your child what they are writing about?

We will be starting our new unit in geography on the continent ASIA!!! If anyone would like to come in and present or share their experiences , artifacts, or knowledge about Asia please let me know, we also always love Guest speakers.

Martin Luther King!!!
Our class has just started learning about the history and biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will learn more about his life, events, and his dream. On Jan 16th there will be a Martin Luther King Assembly at 2:00 pm. Our class will be reciting an excerpt from his Noble Peace Prize acceptance speech and singing we “Shall Overcome” Please feel free to attend the assembly, however if you can’t make it we are going to try and video tape the K/I performance

Star Student
Solene has been working so hard this week getting back into school after the winter break. She has been focused on her work plan and really challenging herself. Not only has she challenged herself during worktime, but in readers and writers workshop as well. She has really been working on her stamina to read longer and write more! Way to be a leader Solene.

Important Dates:
Jan 14th 2 hr early release
Jan 16th 2:00 MLK assembly
Jan 30th NO-SCHOOl day between semesters

Of course I had to share a few pictures of Eadlyn!

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