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Nov 26, 2013

Novemeber 15th

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My post is a little later this week, but it is because I have been able to have a chance to meet with almost all of you for conferences. Thank you so much for taking the time to come to talk about all the wonderful things your child is doing at school. I love getting to share with families all the growth your child has made in only a few months. Thank you again to all the families for coming to meet with Ms. Ooton and I.

I also wanted to say a big Thank you to all the kids, and help of Dakota's Mom Sauntia, for surprising me on Friday with birthday balloons and wishes. The students each gave me a wish and a candle to blow out. It was such a warm filled last day before break and very thoughtful of everyone, THANK YOU!!!!

Native American Assembly/Chief Leschi
On Thursday we got the treat of joining the rest of the school at a Native American storytelling assembly. Students got the chance to take an active role in voicing different characters and doing actions that made the stories come alive! We also learned about a important Native American that our school and community are named after, Chief Leschi. We learned how he stood up for his peoples rights, and we painted a portrait of him with spices! See these great paintings displayed in the hall.

Continent Study: Africa!
Many of our new works over the past couple of weeks have been focused on the continent of Africa. Student have been learning to Africa’s different climate zones, research and give presentations on different animals that live on the continent and most recently, begun a study of Kwanza.

Readers Workshop
In readers this week we learned some new sight words: that, his, are, and for. The students did fun activities to practice saying these sight words such act like you are tossing glitter as you say each letter in the word. The students did a great job looking for these sight words in their stories. Keep practicing all the sight words we have learned over break! A, and, at, are, for, he, his, I , it, in is, of , on the, that, to, was, you.

Writers Workshop:
This week in writing, we started on our first page of our all about unit. We learned about zooming in on important parts of our topic and how to draw a close up. We also learned about fancy words that help our readers understand our writing and did our best to spell those fancy words. Next week, we will be adding more pages to our all about book! Ask your student about their topic to help them get ready to write more about it next week!

We wrapped our science a few weeks ago but I wanted to share some great pictures of the students learning about snails and worms. The students loved this unit and being able to have a hands experience learning about animals. Our next science unit will be wood!

Student of the Week:
William has been working very hard at writers workshop and his all about book! He challenges himself at work time by working on his sandpaper letter, math works, sensorial, and practical life. He is respectful to others in our class, shows responsibility with his learning and our classroom environment, and is peaceful to others.

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