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Nov 8, 2013

Continent Study Africa!
We have started our Africa continent study! We read some books about Africa and researched some things that we didn't know, but learned! We looked at Africa in an Atlas and also learned about some animals that you may see in Africa. We noticed similarities and differences in some of the cultures in Africa in comparison to ours. We also learned about the different terrain that Africa offers; dessert, rain forest and the Savannah. If anyone has traveled to Africa and would like to come in and share their knowledge with our class and room 206, please let me know! Guest speakers are so powerful and students love learning from a variety of people! 

Readers Workshop
In reader’s we have talked a lot about our characters in our story and reflected on how they are similar and different to us! We took a closer look at the setting in our stories to help us re-tell what happened. We ended our readers celebration by making our own leaf men characters. Please ask your child these story element questions each time you read. Who are the characters, what is the setting, and re-tell the story!

Writers Workshop:
This week in writing, we are also wrapping up our small moments unit! We chose one piece of writing and edited it. We ended this unit by having a celebration with some special guests coming in to give us compliments on our writing! Mrs. Guzmán’s class joined us by also sharing their stories and some treats! The students felt so proud of their work and it was wonderful to have them share that with someone else. Look forward to reading these stories at conferences. Our next unit will be All About Books!

Parent/Teacher Conferences!
Please remember to sign up for parent/teacher conferences! If you need to check your time, you are more than welcome to come in and look at the conference sheet! They are coming up soon! I will send home a reminder about it soon.

Student of the Week:
Henry works hard on his language work plan and chooses challenging works for himself everyday. He holds himself accountable for his choices during work time and is showing his leadership skills by focusing intently on his work! Henry loves learning new works and is always participating. Way to go Henry !!

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