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Feb 22, 2015

Work Time:
Students have working so hard these past few weeks. Many students now have work plans and are really focusing to finish those work plans. It is a great skill for them to think about time management and setting goals. We take about different strategies to finish their goals such as starting with the hardest first, marking which three you can get done today, and trying works from ever area. Each day ask your child what they were able to accomplish, how did that make them feel, and what are their next goals.

Students had so much fun this week counting their 100 objects, writing 100 words, building with 100 legos. This was a great day to celebrate 100 days in school, but it also was a great way for students to think about all the ways to make 100. They had to really use problem solving skills, grouping strategies, and literacy to write 00 words and what tehy built will 100 legos.
This week we finished our balls and ramps unit! The students did a great job learning about how to compare different properties of balls. I sent home clay and their science journals on Friday. Hopefully you were able to spend some time going through the journal with your child and asking them what they learned from the unit. Did you have a chance to make different ramps and talk about what makes the balls roll faster, easier, more efficient?

This week we started studying China! We celebrated the Chinese New Year by decorating our own dragon. Students learned about the folk tail , The Story of Nian. We also learned about the panda and labeled different parts. The next week we will continue learning about China and the great wall!

Black History Night:
Black History Night is this Thursday, Feb. 26th from 5:30-7:30 . Please RSVP so that we can make sure to have enough food for everyone. It is going to be a great night to hear and see all the work students have been doing to honor those who fought for civil rights. The K/1 videos will be playing in the library and Mrs. Gardner's room.

I will be out of town Wednesday-Friday for a wedding. Ms. Richerdson and Ms. Balcome will be our guest teachers while I'm out. I know the students will be in good hands and enjoy having guest teachers in the class.

2/23-3/6 Open Enrollment-for Kindergarten
3/8 Daylight Saving Time begins – Turn clocks forward 1 hour

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