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Jan 24, 2015

Work Time!!!

Wow this week students really stepped it up in challenging themselves! I saw numerous students work on their language binders, adding to ten, words their way, reading challenging books, and working on the 100 board. Many first graders even finished their work plans! We’ve been working on having a focused, quite, and engaging worktime. Students have done such a great job at this, next week we will be welcoming some fish to our room as our class pets! Ask your child what their favorite work was this week?

Readers Workshop
This Week in Readers Workshop Students have been learning to mark new information they learned. We used sticky notes to mark an L for new learning. After each book students went back and re-told all the new information they learned. We also learned about how to mark a question mark for things I’m wondering about. Once they marked their question, they went back to try to answer their questions. Try these strategies at home when your reading your next non-fiction book!

Writers Workshop
This week as writers students worked on adding diagrams and labels to their How To’s. We also worked on elaborating are How To’s by adding to the pictures and words. We tried to add as many details as possible for the audience.

This week students read a Japanese Folk tale about Tusnami’s, The Magic Fan. We also learned about Japanese culture, landforms, transportation, and food! Ask your child what they learned about Japan? Next week we will be making sushi!

Roots of Empathy!!!
This week was our last lesson on emotions: Some of the things students learned were:
To recognize feelings sad, angry/mad, happy and scared.
To talk about times they have felt these feelings.
To think about ways to help others who are feeling sad or mad.
To emphasize that everyone has these feelings, and it is good to talk about them.
To recognize what bullying is and to understand how it makes people feel.
To see themselves as being able to respond to acts of meanness as an observer and bystander.
To connect to one another and the baby.
To understand how a baby develops and learns (neuroscience.)

Homework Books:
Starting on Monday I will be sending books home that are at your child’s just right reading level. Please use these books to practice reading every night. These are books your child should be able to read independently. A great strategy is to read them together the first couple of times and by the end of the week, they should be reading the books fluently back to you. PLEASE RETURN THE BOOKS EVERY MONDAY FOR NEW BOOKS!

Star Student
Charlie really challenged himself as a student this week. He finished his work plan and choose challenging works! He pushed himself as a writing, elaborating with more details to his pictures and his words! Charlie has been helping out others and helping to keep our classroom environment ready to learn. Way to go Charlie!

Important Dates:
Jan 29th Open House 5:30-7:30
Jan 30th NO-SCHOOl day between semesters

Reminders: Aladdin practice: For those of you who turned in your forms, script reading will be next week. Please look for your child’s practice time that was sent home.

Open House:
Please Join our Open House 1/29
6:00-6:20- Welcoming in Lunchroom
6:30-7:30- Please join your child in the classroom.
Your Child will show you: works they’ve learned books they can read writing they’ve been working on

Jan 18, 2015

Jan 16th

Work Time!!!
Students have really been challenging themselves this week. All students learned about a language work plan. These language work plans help them move through the progression of short vowel words, blends, digraphs, and vowel patterns. A goal is for them to work on their language work plan, words-their-way, and math everyday. I have noticed students working on choosing works from all different areas ( practical life, science, language, math, geography, and science). Ask your child what work they like to choose that might be challenging for them?

Readers Workshop
This Week in Readers Workshop Students have been learning non-fiction text features. They have learned about table of contents, index, glossary, heading, etc. While reading at home try to choose some non-fiction books and see if they can recognize non-fiction text features. I sent home reading awards to show how hard every student has been working and moving up reading levels! Keep up the great reading!

Writers Workshop
Wow, the students have been writing like crazy. They have really challenged themselves to write more details, use two finger spacing, add more details to their pictures, and use transition words! Ask your child what they are writing about and look for their how-to’s to come home soon!

We had our initial introduction into Asia this week. We learned about the largest continent, largest country, and the country with the most amount of people? See if your child can answer! In the next couple of weeks we will be focusing on the country of Japan!

Roots of Empathy!!!
This week we had a visit from baby Sam! The unit we are focusing on is emotions. Students learned how the parent recognizes the baby's feelings. We also focused on that feelings are a sign to others, and that all feelings are okay. Some goals were to help to students realize that they can help others who are feeling sad or mad; to show students how feelings can be contagious; to have students understand that loving a baby teaches the baby how to be a loving, caring person.
Of course some more baby Eadlyn photos!

Buddy Classroom
On Thursday we were able to go and visit our buddy classroom (Mrs. Deese’s 4th/5th graders) and try out their fun games! As part of their science unit ( models) they made their own arcade games out of just cardboard boxes. The students were able to visit their “arcade” and test out all the games. The students had a blast and were able to see all the hard work and creativity that went into making the games. The rest of the year we will do a lot more fun projects, reading time, and experiences with our buddy classroom.

Star Student
Kaz!!! Kaz has worked so hard this week to challenge himself at learning new materials! In work time he has learned many new works and continued to practice them throughout the week. During writers workshop Kaz has challenged himself to write numerous How to’s. Katz is a great friend and welcoming to everyone in class. Way to go Kaz!

Important Dates:
Jan 29th Open House 6:00-7:30
Jan 30th NO-SCHOOl day between semesters

Reminders: Thank you to those of you who have returned forms.
Leschi Elementary School Presents…
If you like to act, sing, dance, or just want to try something new, then this is the perfect play for you! All students grades K-5 are invited to participate in Leschi’s first all school play.
• Speaking roles • Set building • Stage help
There is an opportunity for everyone to be involved! The final production will be in May and rehearsals will take place February-April. If you would like to participate please return the forms by Tuesday.

Welcome Back!!!
WOW, what an amazing welcome back I have received this week! Coming back to cheering, clapping, hugs, cards, and treats has made this transition so much easier! Thank you to all the families and especially the kids who have welcomed me back. We have had an amazing week in work time learning new works, making new work plans and challenging ourselves. Some goals this week that the students have been focusing on our: Working independently and taking care of the environment! I know each week the students will only continue to grow. “Free the child's potential, and you will transform him into the world.”
Maria Montessori

Readers Workshop
This Week in Readers Workshop Students have been learning about the differences between fiction and non-fiction books. We have also been working on building up our reading stamina to read for 20 min. We are up to 15 far!!! Ask your child some differences between fiction and non-fiction?

Writers Workshop
As we are learning about non-fiction we have been noticing a lot of How-To books. Students will be working on writing their own how-to book. This week we have brainstormed all the things we are good at and starting making plans for which how-to’s we are going to write. Ask your child what they are writing about?

We will be starting our new unit in geography on the continent ASIA!!! If anyone would like to come in and present or share their experiences , artifacts, or knowledge about Asia please let me know, we also always love Guest speakers.

Martin Luther King!!!
Our class has just started learning about the history and biography of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We will learn more about his life, events, and his dream. On Jan 16th there will be a Martin Luther King Assembly at 2:00 pm. Our class will be reciting an excerpt from his Noble Peace Prize acceptance speech and singing we “Shall Overcome” Please feel free to attend the assembly, however if you can’t make it we are going to try and video tape the K/I performance

Star Student
Solene has been working so hard this week getting back into school after the winter break. She has been focused on her work plan and really challenging herself. Not only has she challenged herself during worktime, but in readers and writers workshop as well. She has really been working on her stamina to read longer and write more! Way to be a leader Solene.

Important Dates:
Jan 14th 2 hr early release
Jan 16th 2:00 MLK assembly
Jan 30th NO-SCHOOl day between semesters

Of course I had to share a few pictures of Eadlyn!