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Jan 10, 2014

Jan. 10th

Wow!!!! Everyone has come back this week fresh and ready to learn! Several students have moved up to a blue language workplan! Other students have been working hard at math and learning their teens, completing birds eye-view, and working on their place values! We also introduce some 3D shapes such as cube, cone, sphere, cylinder, and rectangular prism. Ask your child to see if they can find these shapes around your home, outside, or in while driving!!!

Readers Workshop
This week continued learning about non-fiction. We focused on remembering the difference between fiction and non-fiction. We also learned some new text features: table of contents and the index! The students did a great job using these features to find out where in their books there was specific information. Ask them to try using these two non-fiction text features at home.

Writers Workshop:
This week we started a new unit, OPINION WRITING!!!!! Students learned what an opinion is and how to write their opinion, including their reasons. This week they wrote their opinion on the best pet and the best tasting popcorn. Next week they will be watching a few movie previews and writing about which movie they think is the best and why!

Science !
We have started our new unit on wood!! So far we have looked at several wood samples and used our sense to describe each sample.

We about to start our geography study on the fascinating continent of, South America!!! Please let us know if you would life to come and share or have any artifacts to bring in!!

This week was Romaree’s last week. He is moving to a school closer to his Mom’s home in Redmond. We have been so lucky as a class to have Romaree in room 204 these past two years! We’ll miss his love of learning and great kickball skills!!! Good luck Romaree. Love, Room 204!!!!

Student of the Week:
Charlie has been working so hard since we’ve been back. He has grown so much as a writer and yesterday wrote an amazing opinion piece about soccer! He has made many great friends in class and has become a strong independent student. He is also engaged in reading and writing lessons, and also comes to school with a smile and positive attitude! Way to go Charlie!!!

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