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Oct 10, 2013

Oct. 7th

Science: This week we started our very first science unit of the year: Animals 2X2! Our class is now a home to several goldfish, snails, and earthworms which students will study in detail over the next several weeks. In our first lesson we talked about how we, as good scientists, can use our sense of sight, smell, touch, and hearing to make observations about the animals in our room. Students then began to practice making observations about our goldfish. Next, students will learn key vocabulary words like gills, fin, tail, eye, mouth, and scales, to help describe how our goldfish breathe, swim, see, and eat. Our class is very excited to put on our scientific thinking caps as we spend more time with our fishy friends next week!

Work Time: The students of room 204 continue to challenge themselves each and every day during work time. This week, more kindergartners began working on their pink language work plans and some students have also begun to work on their math binders. As a class, we learned several new works this week, including the teen board, which helps students to build the numbers 11-19. Some great things to work on at home with your student to build their confidence and independence during work time are practicing the numbers 1-20 and reviewing letter sounds.

Readers Workshop: It’s time for buddy reading! This week, students have been learning how to read with a partner. As a class we discussed how to share a book with another person, how to help each other read the pictures and the words, as well as how we can identify the important parts of the story and share them with one another. Ask your student to show you how to buddy read when they during story time at home!

Student of the Week: This week’s student of the week is Dakota! He has been working on pushing himself to take on more challenging works. His quote in reading group this week was, “ We have to challenge ourselves, that’s what gets us ready for 1st and 2nd grade” He has done exactly that and with a smile on his face. He comes to school everyday ready to learn and that attitude spreads to everyone around him. Way to go Dakota!!

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