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Jun 7, 2015

Getting Ready for Next Year!

We are all getting ready for next year! Kindergarteners will become first graders and first graders will be going off to second grade! Kindergarteners have progressed so much this year! They are independent, helpful, self-sufficient, decision-makers, and problem solvers! Kindergarteners are now working on more content based material and working toward their own personal goals. They learning to manage their time with more works on their work plans as the work load gradually increases! Give your kindergarten student a high-five! First graders are now experts at being teachers and mentors to our kindergarteners. They are leaders and ready to move on to second grade because they have worked hard all year to hone their crafts in math, writing and reading during work time. First graders are dealing with the excitement of moving on to another grade, but also may also be having a hard time leaving the comfort of their sturdy K/1 years. Give your first grader a huge pat on the back for all the work they’ve done.

10 Day Count Down:
I'm sure you've hear by now but we've been doing a ten day count down in class. Each day the students have been able to pop a balloon to find a fun surprise activity. This is what we've done so far. Ask your child what they think will happen next week!
Day 10 Extra Recess
Day 9- Game Day ( we played dictionary)
Day 8-Gum Day

Readers Workshop/Writers Workshop
This week in readers and writers workshop we continued our poetry unit. In writers, the students wrote onomatopoeia, alteration, and emotion poems. They have been compiling their poems in a poetry book they will bring home next week. Next week students will be writing about they "best part of me" and acoustic poems. It was wonderful to see their creativity and excitement to write!

Community Helpers project:
Students are working on researching community helpers. Students have been working in groups to find out about what their community helper does, how they help, who they help, and why they are important. This is another fun project where students are learning how to work together as a team to write, read, and research. They will be presenting those project next week.

Timeline projects:
Thank you to everyone who turned in their timeline projects. They students have loved sharing about their lives and are proud of the work they put into the project. Please look for those to be displayed in the hall all around our school!

Thank you so much to all our parent volunteers who have helped out in the classroom, at school events, brought in snacks/supplies, attended field trips, run after school programs, and helped with prepping materials. We appreciate all that you do for our class and our school. I know I speak for all the teachers at Leschi, THANK YOU!!!!! Please join us on Wednesday for a special appreciation breakfast from 8:30-9:00 and a special recognition at the all school BBQ.

As the year is wrapping up please take a look at the calendar for upcoming dates such as Field day, Field trip to the fire station and summer birthday celebrations.

IMportant Dates:
Wednesday June 10th: Field Day and school BBQ ( no lunch needed this day)
Friday June 12th Field Trip to the firestation
Tuesday JUne 16th Last Day of school 1:50 Early Release

Summer Birthday Celebrations:

Monday June 8h : Hayden
Tuesday June 9th : Aisha
Wednesday June 10th : Olive
Thursday June 11th : Solene
Friday June 12th : Brandon