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May 25, 2015

Wow! I love being part of jog-a-thon it is an amazing event that really brings our classes, school, and community together! Thank you to everyone who helped count laps, set up/take down, and cheer our students on. This event helps get kids outside and builds team spirit! The students had so much fun and loved running out yelling, " GO skittles" Not only did they cheer on each other, but they cheered on all their friends and other students.

Writers Workshop
This week students finished their fiction writing. They have been working incredible hard to add details to their writing and pictures. They were able to write detailed stories where their characters faced problems that they had to try to solve. It is amazing to see all the growth that they have been able to make this year. In the beginning of the year some students were not even writing letters, now they are writing pages! That is something to celebrate, look forward to seeing those stories come home soon!

Readers Workshop
This week in readers workshop we started our poetry unit. We looked at some different poems and discussed some things that we noticed while reading them. We noticed that poems can rhyme. We also noticed that you can use your 5 senses to describe them. Students noticed that poems usually address one subject and can articulate particular feelings. We read a lot of silly poems by Shel Silverstein and will continue to hear many different poems over the next few weeks.

Timeline Project
Today I sent home a new homework assignment that students will work on over the next week. The timeline project should be a fun family activity, but where the students are working independently. These do not have to be fancy or elaborate, but rather a chance for you to work with your child. Let them show you how much they have grown in their reading, writing, and presenting skills. A great idea would be to have them practice presenting for the rest of your family, to help them get ready to present to the class!

This past week we learned about Spain. We watched how Paella was made and watched flamingo dancers. The students also learned about Picasso. They learned about his different painting stages and famous works. They also learned about cubism and tried replicating their own Picasso work, "BOUQUET OF PEACE". We've also been reading about Greek God's along with other Greece culture.

Nina Laden
We had an amazing opportunity this week to have a special author visit. Nina Laden is a local Seattle author who writes many famous books just as Peek-a-WHo, Peek-a-Zoo, Roberto the Insect Arcitect, and Pigasso and Mootiese. Nina told the students about her experiences writing when she was younger and even shared a book she wrote when she was 9.

May 12, 2015

Happy Mothers Day!
I was able to celebrate mother's day this year in a different way and have an even greater appreciation for all the mothers/grandmothers/aunts/ and women in the world. I hope you all enjoy this special day with your family! You deserve it for all the hard work and love you commit to your child everyday! I know they appreciate every little bit of it.
Teacher Appreciation Week!

Thank you so much to all our families for making us feel so special during this week’s Teacher Appreciation week! We feel so lucky to have such amazing families at our school. We couldn’t do it without your support! Thank you again, we appreciate it!

Readers Workshop
With only a few pages left of Mouse and the motor cycle the kids are at the edge of their seat. It has been a wonderful learning experience to sit and listen to a chapter book with no pictures. It has really taught students to imagine the characters, setting, and events in their mind. We often stop and recall what is happening, what problems are occurring, what solutions have happened. We've taken a deeper look at how the characters relate and how they have changed. These are all great skills that students should start to work on with all books that they read.

Writers Workshop
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WOW! It is amazing to see how much writing has been happening. Students have been working on making sure that their story has a clear beginning, middle, and end. They have been brainstorming problems and solutions that their characters might face. Next week we will start editing our stories and publishing them. Ask your child what they are writing about?

We finished up our organisms science unit and what a great way to wrap things up by planing our tree seedlings near our school. On Friday we went out with our Gardening and Forestry club and planted the tree seedings and release our isopods. It was a great way for the students to feel like we are helping to continue the plant life cycle and be a part in making a new home for the trees. This week we will be visiting Seward park and learning even more about the organisms that live in that area.

This week we've started taking a studying Europe. Students learned about Germany, including the art of paper cutting, and even were able to taste sauerkraut. We've also learned about Croatia and Slovenia. Students learned about the different climates from snowy/mountainous alps, Plivitca lakes, and the clear blue Adriatic sea. My grandfather was from Slovenia so I shared pictures from my trip to my family's farm and my trip to the beautiful region.