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Apr 29, 2015

Readers Workshop:
We have starting reading our first class chapter book. The mouse and the motorcycle! The students are already hooked. Students have been working on learning how to recognize the characters emotions and feelings. The students also learned about what a narrator is and how to recognize when characters are speaking. We've taken a closer look into how context clues in the books can help us learn more the characters, problems, and connections to the book. Ask you child what has been their favorite chapter so far.

Writers Workshop:
Our class has been working very hard on writing their fiction stories. They have learned about fantasy and realistic fiction. Students have been working on how to brainstorm different settings for their stories. They have also been working on adding their characters emotions not only to their writing, but their pictures as well.

The students have done a ton of exploration with the organism unit lately. We've looked at isopods and how they compare to our mealworms. Students also looked closely how our aquarium and terrariums have changed. We noticed that we had baby snails!!! The students were very excited about that discovery. We also did an experiment to see if isopods prefer wet or dry soil, we found out they like wet. We talked about why they might like a wet soil habitat vs. dry, ask your child what they think?

This week students finished learning about India. Student's were able to explore their artistic side with using different spices from India to paint designs. The students loved smelling and explore the textures of the spices. We also performed a Bollywoood dance for Ms. Chin's class. Both classes practiced and rehearsed different dances and performs for each other. The students loved learning a different style of dance and music. Next week we are starting to study Europe, exploring Germany first!

Zoo Field trip tomorrow- remember you sack lunch and good walking shoes.
Aladdin Play- Will be on 5/7 at 2:00 at school and at 6:00 pm at night
Jog-a-thon is 5/15 (9:00-12:00)

Apr 5, 2015

Readers Workshop:
The past few weeks in readers workshop we have been working on Author studies. Our class choose to read books written by Peter Reynolds. We compared characters, setting, problems, solutions and how the characters felt. We also took a look at how the characters feelings changed through out the story. We learned more about Peter Reynolds: like how he is a Twin, how he has always loved to draw, and how he runs his own production buisness. Ask you child what their favorite book was, what was a problem and solution in the sory, and how did the character in the story change?

Writers Workshop:
To go along with our readers workshop unit students wrote book reviews. Students learned about how to write a summary, just a little information about the book. They also learned to rate and recommend books. Students wrote their feelings and reasons why they recommended a particular Peter Reynolds book. On Friday we met up with all the K/1 classrooms to read other book reviews. Students read book reviews about Mo Williams books, Kevin Henkes, and Ezra Keats.

Students learned a lot of new information about Russia these past two weeks. We learned about the Red Square and they painted their own version of the St. Basil's Cathedral. We also learned about the famous Russian Ballet and the dancer, Mikhail Baryshnikov. Some students had to label the rivers, lakes, seas, mountians, and pensiulas in Russia. We painted our own verison of a famous Kadinsky work while listen to music by the famous Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Ask your child what they found most interesting about studying Russia

We've really jumped into our new science unit organisms. Students have so far invesitgated and observed the inside of a lima bean, woodland plants, mosss, duckweed, elodea, and planted their own seed. Over the next few weeks we will continue to think about what does a living organism need to grow? We will also take a closer look at cloud fish and snails. As new plants are growing for spring ask your child if they have any ideas about what they think living organisms need to survive.

Roots of Empathy: This week baby Sam came to visit. He has grown so much!!! We learned about Communication. How babies communicate. What are some ways to positively engage a baby and foster language development How do we recognize the baby's temperament. Why it is important torespond to a baby's efforts to communicate. How we can connect to one another and the baby. Understand more about how a baby develops and learns.