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Sep 27, 2013

Work Time: This week many students received their pink language work plan. All the students have been working very hard on matching objects and labels, matching picture and labels, and writing their words in their language journals.

We also introduce four new sigh words this week. A, of, the, and
.Students were able to practice reading and writing these words through out the week. We even were able to test out the new chalk board wall!!!
Writers Workshop: This week in writers workshop we have been working on understanding what a small moment is. Writers think about a big topic (summer vacation), a smaller topic ( the week you had swim lessons), and a small moment ( your first day of swim lessons). Writers think about how to zoom in on the small moment and write about that.

We read Fireflies and picked out our favorite small moment from that book. Ask your child what their favorite small moment was.

Star Student:
This week’s star student is Kieran. Kieran has been really challenging himself in all areas at work time. Kieran has really been participating in readers workshop and pushed himself with his writing to keep writing more. He has been a great leader in the line, out at recess, and in the class. Way to GO Kieran!!!

Sep 21, 2013

I can't believe it is only the second week of school. The students have just jumped into work time, reading, writing, art, P.E. and music and have really pushed themselves. Here is a recap of our great week.

Work Time: Many 1st graders were working hard and finishing their work plans. They challenged themselves by working on language, math, science, geography, and a reading response. Work plans will be sent home every Friday. Please take a look at it with your child and ask them:
Which works were easy?
Which works were challenging?
What are some goals for next week?
Kindergartners this week were able to learn many more works. Including the continents and the continents song. Here are the lyrics you can ask you child to help teach you the song.

The Continent Song
" North America, South America
Africa, Europe, and Asia
Don't forget Australia
Don't forget Antarctica
These are the continents
These are the continents
These are the continents of our world!"

This week the students were able to help themselves to snack. At the snack table the students look at the menu for the day, see how much they can take, wash their hands, clean up their area, and RANDOMLY (I try to get them to just pick and not just find their best friends name) choose someone new. This is a great activity for students to help take responsibility of our room and continue through the work time cycle.
Reading and Writing workshop this week really focused on stamina! The students were able to read and write for 20 minutes. We book shopped on Friday and everyone picked new books for their book bags.
In writers we had a great Authors Share after a hard week of writing! It was especially exciting because thanks to Henry's family and Charlie's family we have a new addition to our classroom. They went to a wonderful organic farm and hauled back our new classroom pumpkin. The kids have enjoyed it so much and this week we shared our stories on it!
Star Student
Star student is someone who we recognize in class as being safe, respectful, and responsible. If your child is the star student they will get a poster ( All about me) to share with the class, their name called at Monday morning assembly, and the chance to bring in a book/ something special to share with the class on Friday.

Star Student this week is Lena:
Lena has been making great choices, showing me she is ready on the carpet, working quietly and becoming an independent learner. She worked hard to finish her work plan and has really been welcoming to new Kindergarteners. Way to go Lena!!

Sep 17, 2013

First Week of School!!!! Wow what a busy week we have had. I can't believe what amazing work the students have already done. For work time this week students were able to learn
Pink tower & Broad stairs:
sandpaper letters and pink language works:
Another favorite part of work time is reading in the library:
Many more works to come!!!!